Jason has been very inspired by this site Tot Cycle that promotes family cycling. He would love to have one of these contraptions where we can put all of our kids in the big bucket and ride around town. He thinks it would be a great thing for me to take the kids to school in. I actually think he's right on this one. It does look like a lot of fun!
One of his New Year's resolutions is to use the car as least as possible on the weekends. Since he couldn't go riding this morning (Adam barfing all night...) he used his free time to jimmy up one of the mountain bikes with this little cargo holder. Then he rode to the store and got some ginger ale for the poor boy.
Did you say, "Adam barfing all night?"
I thought so.
Guess what? James' mommy was barfing all night Friday too. I'm really, really, really sorry. I thought we were in the clear. But apparently we were not. How dreadful. My most mortified and sincere apologies.
I know!! These things are bound to happen. Natalie is sick today. Frannie is good so far, but you know how it goes. I hope you are feeling better.
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