Thursday, April 23, 2009


Today for the first time EVER, Adam played w/ the toys at the preschool class (the one I take both Frannie and Adam to on Thursdays) without grabbing my finger and insisting that I stand right next to him the entire time! I am shocked!! He is finally starting to outgrow his super separation anxiety. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! He was actually a whole room-length away from me and playing! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! At one point he even went to play outside without me! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! My little boy is learning to be a little more independent at just the right time. High five Adam!


Therese said...

Hooray hooray hooray!!

Iris said...

Yes! He knows you are there for him and that he can come back and find you there. Good job Adam!

The Postl's said...

Perfect timing!! So awesome!

Lauren S. said...

woohoo! impeccable timing!

Jamie said...

Yes! The perfect timing. I couldn't ask for more. So delighted. I sort of thought this phase would never end. Not that it has fully ended, but I see that he is growing up a little and I am so glad.