Therese said: This is exactly what I have been looking for!! Thanks Jamie! What days will you be running and will you be running in the morning? Land or treadmill?
I totally want to do this with you! Well, from afar!
Yes, Therese, join! Join! I talked with Jason and we figured out that I can go exercise as soon as he gets home from work on Mondays and Wednesdays and my third day will be Sundays. The workouts are about 30 mins. I plan on jogging outside in my neighborhood as long as the weather is good. If it is raining or something I can always use the treadmill in the garage, but I really prefer to be outside.
As far as morning exercise, I DO like exercising in the morning however I just don't have the willpower to wake up before the kids. I know that if I structured things around morning workouts that I'd only last a week.
Lauren said: wanna do it. 5Ks are my kind of race. the last time i did it was when h was just a baby.
i'm gonna try and locate my 6 year old running shoes!
Very cool! I've never done any races before so this is a totally new thing for me.
Here are some upcoming events that look like fun-
Family Fun Run in San Dimas
Turkey Trot at Bonelli Park
Shannon said: Can't wait to hear how it goes ... and wowee - your first race is even a week earlier than mine! You're my hero! ;>
(Just finished W2D2 workout today ... so far, so good!)
P.S. If you have an iPod, there are FREE podcasts designed specifically for this program. Then you don't have to worry about keeping track of the intervals - the music cues you! is one, but there are others if you google it. Oh, and there's a Couch to 5K group on FB, too! :)
Hero, ha ha! Since I won't be all the way through the program when the first event comes up, I'm thinking that I might just do whatever workout I'm scheduled to do for that day. I'm looking forward to these new experiences though!
Thanks for the iPod and FB tip. That's really great. I'm asking for an iPod for Christmas. Believe it or not I'm still sporting a WalkMan. It's ridiculous. So I need to get with technology and figure out how to download songs and stuff. I'll get there!
Jason surprised me with a cool gift today. It is a Sportline Fitness watch that has a stop-watch feature so I can keep track of my running intervals. And it's purple too :)
Iris said: I saw the schedule, very briefly. So are you working on the schedule at your own pace? Or are you in a group?
I'm doing this on my own but I'm going to follow their workout recommendations. It says that if you get to a certain week and it starts getting hard, to just keep at that level for as long as you need to. I plan on doing that if I need it.
Sonja said: Obviously, I'm drunker than I thought, but I want to do this with you. Maybe we can do our workouts separately during the week and then together on Saturday?
LOL :) No you aren't drunk, just random remember? I'm going to do the weekend run on Sunday because I switched my class day from Sunday to Saturday afternoons. Last Sunday I went at 8:30 am. Let me know what you think.
Paul has been encouraging me to use my mom’s treadmill while Keelin is napping but I can’t seem to get myself organized or motivated enough to do it. Maybe your progress will encourage me, until than I am going to just keep complaining about my baby flab and avoid the subject but I did want to tell you how cute Natalie is she looking nice and rolly polly.
Where are you running? What time are you running? Do you have a jogging stroller?
By the way, Nat is looking more and more like you! :D
Thanks Lisa :) I don't like the treadmill either. I am the type that I can't just "steal" exercise time when it comes up, I need a schedule otherwise I'll use my time for something else. I'll use the treadmill when I have to, but mostly I'd rather be outside.
Iris- I'm just running around the residential areas of my neighborhood. So as soon as Jason gets home, I have dinner ready and he feeds himself and the kids and I take off. I don't have a jogging stroller, but then I'm not taking the baby with me anyways. I don't really like exercising with my kids because I am constantly having to stop to give a drink of water, dole out Cheerios, retrieve a fallen shoe...the list goes on. So I get frustrated because I can't attain any sort of pace or concentration. I don't mind leisurely stroller walks, but I'm not exactly getting my heart rate up doing that.
I totally hear ya.
I went out for a brisk walk yesterday, after dinner.
My jogger stroller has a flat tire. I've been using my Bjorn. I kinda don't want to stroller back, because I feel like I've really been burning hardcore calories with the baby's wait on me! :D
Good luck!
I am doing an EA Active video game. I plan to start a new blog about my weight loss, once I start to really get into losing weight. I may start it now, just to blog about my moderate workouts :) hmmmm... I am inspired to do that soon :)
Do it! It would be fun and interesting to read!
Jammers---this is awesome.
This is exactly what I was looking for. The Mommy's I hang with all (4 of them) run 5K's like it was eating a Hershey bar----and then there is me..... I literally can't run 1/4 mile much less 5. However, I have been longing for cardio and a way to get out and move. This looks like a great guide.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Carrie!!
Yay! This would be fun to do together. I just finished my first week of workouts. It's very manageable so far. You can do it easily. It is just 60 seconds of jogging with 90 seconds of walking in the beginning.
That's pretty good your friends are so fit. I have found it really hard to find consistent time to exercise w/ all of the family responsibilities.
I started my blog, Jamie. It's in the MY BLOGS area. :)
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