A humongous iguana.
Who knew this street could be so interesting!?
So here's how it happened. The kids are playing in the garage with the garage door opened. I know there are tons of neighborhood kids outside so I'm just inside the house cleaning the front bathroom. All of the sudden I hear my next door neighbor call out Jamie! So, I look into the garage and there right where the gargage door comes down is That-Thing. Whoa my God! bbbbbb! I got a mad case of the willies grabbed the kids and tossed them into the house and closed the garage door before it came inside. I'm doing the willies all inside the house and then of course I grabbed the camera to document "Wild Animal Kingdom" in Pomona.
Turns out it was out of its cage sunbathing in a neighbor's back yard and just decided to take a little stroll. Hey, I like walks too. One of the neighbor kids knew whose it was and went to her house which is on a completely different street. She came in with her big yellow gloves and just grabbed it up like a wandering puppy. Wow.
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